Mom believes vision therapy has helped her daughter’s self-confidence.
Dr. Gallaway’s staff has proven that vision therapy is advantageous to many children.
Sydney’s Mom Marisa, a speech-language pathologist, was amazed at the improvement in her daughter’s reading after vision therapy.
Stacey thought that her visual symptoms were due to aging. She discovered she had convergence insufficiency and it could be helped with vision therapy.
Matt’s reading and schoolwork improved and he was able to avoid further surgery.
Vincenzo’s mom has noticed many changes in his school performance, including increased fluency and higher grades.
Jonah’s vision improved so he can work for longer periods . Handwriting and reading proficiency have increased too.
Through vision therapy, Laura no longer suffers from headaches, blurred or double vision.
Brady no longer complains about completing homework!
Schoolwork and reading comprehension are so much easier for Lizzi.