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Vision Therapy for Adults

There are really no upper age limits for the impact of vision therapy as our brains have the ability to learn new skills, including visual skills, throughout life.


vision therapy for adults woman in photo gallaway beckett

The latest research shows actual changes in adult brains following vision therapy ( link to fMRI paper) There are really no upper age limits for the impact of vision therapy as our brains have the ability to learn new skills, including visual skills,  throughout life. Adults who use computers throughout their workday are especially vulnerable to developing eye teaming and focusing disorders that respond well to vision therapy.

With vision therapy, our brains are developing new connections and strengthening existing brain networks.

There are often visual consequences from concussion and brain injury that can be treated effectively with vision therapy in adults. The most recent research on amblyopia shows that it can be successfully treated in adolescence and adulthood when it was previously thought to not be treatable after ages 6-10. Sue Barry’s landmark book Fixing My Gaze is an inspirational story of an adult with strabismus who gains depth perception as an adult through vision therapy.

The bottom line is that adult brains, and not just kids’ brains, have neuroplasticity, too. With vision therapy, our brains are developing new connections and strengthening existing brain networks.

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