Sammy Enjoys Reading Now
Dr. Gallaway’s staff has proven that vision therapy is advantageous to many children.
Sammy started vision therapy in the fall of the beginning of first grade. He had just been diagnosed with ADHD and they had discovered a visual processing delay during testing. After being diagnosed with a fine motor delay at a young age and doing much OT to assist, I wasn’t sure he could handle more therapy.
Dr. Gallaway’s staff has proven that vision therapy is advantageous to many children. Sammy’s reading, writing, and overall school success has improved greatly over the course of his time here. He enjoys reading and doesn’t get upset about writing now that he doesn’t lose his place and struggle visually.
Although diagnosed with ADHD, visual processing and fine motor delays, Sammy’s reading writing and overall school success has greatly improved through vision therapy.
We have more work to be done, but the amazing patience the therapists have shown while working with Sammy will always be dear to my heart. Thanks to everyone for your patience and kindness while working with Sammy. We will miss you!