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NJ State Trooper Overcomes Vision Deficit After Concussion

Vision therapy improves State Trooper’s reading ability and confidence.

ken, nj state trooper, vision therapy
Ken, NJ State Trooper

I recently suffered a concussion and although it has been one of the worst experiences of my life, vision therapy has been the one huge positive that came out of it all. My whole life I felt something was off with my vision. I had lazy eye as a child, which was corrected through surgery 30 years prior. I have always complained that I close one eye when watching TV, I frequently had to re-read lines, and complained of reading slowly. Many of my symptoms were hard to articulate to doctors and every time I had an eye exam I always had 20/20 vision, so I thought I was fine and this was just the way  my eyes were. I also always did well in athletics and being a State Trooper/TEAMS member (State Police SWAT Team) I did well with firearms and shooting.

The concussion exposed a lot of the visual issues that I had been compensating for over much of my whole life. I was no longer able to compensate and my vision was a mess. Dr. Gallaway was able to identify my eye functioning deficiencies. He came up with a plan and along with his knowledgeable and very patient staff I was able to not only correct my issues but identify exactly what my eyes were doing.

The concussion exposed visual issues I had been compensating for much of my whole life. I was no longer able to compensate and my vision was a mess.

Overall, vision therapy was a great experience. I believe with anything in life if you want to improve something you have to work at it. The doctor gave me a road map, I was persistent in following it and saw great improvements. In my line of work my eyes are extremely valuable to not only myself but to my Teammates and the public. In addition, Dr. Gallaway was very knowledgeable with the ups and downs of post concussive syndrome symptoms, which was extremely helpful in my treatment.

Thank you Dr. Gallaway and staff.

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