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Frequently Asked Questions About Vision Therapy

Below are answers to your questions about vision therapy.

What is Vision Therapy?

It is an individualized series of eye-brain activities and exercises designed to improve or normalize a variety of visual skills such as convergence, eye teaming, focusing, visual tracking and visual processing.

Who can benefit from vision therapy?

While many problems that can benefit from vision therapy are treated in childhood, adults can also be effectively treated with vision therapy. Because vision therapy is actually strengthening brain connections, there is no upper age limit for vision therapy.

How long does vision therapy take?

The average vision therapy program for eye teaming, tracking, and focusing disorders involves one or two 45 minute office visits per week along with 15 minutes of supportive home therapy 3 to 4 times per week. Most of these problems can be eliminated in 14 to 24 office visits. More complicated problems may require additional time. Visual processing problems are more complicated and generally require longer periods of therapy, generally 30 to 40 visits. The length of post-concussion vision therapy is more difficult to predict and can be faster or slower than is typical for non-concussion problems.

How effective is vision therapy?

The results of 3 nationwide randomized clinical trials has shown that vision therapy is effective in treating convergence insufficiency and focusing disorders. Success rates for other problems like convergence excess, tracking problems and post-concussion vision problems are also very high.

How long does vision therapy last?

Studies have shown that vision therapy strengthens connections in our brain, resulting in changes that are generally long-lasting. We rarely see patients back after successful vision therapy. The largest study done showed visual improvements after vision therapy were still intact one year after successful vision therapy.

Is vision therapy used to treat ADHD or dyslexia?

Vision therapy does not directly treat either of these entities. They are brain-based disorders that can mimic vision disorders. Some children with vision disorders score higher on ADHD behavior surveys as the symptoms of ADHD and vision problems can overlap. Our office screens for both of these and will make referrals to appropriate professionals when needed.

Do you have other questions?

We are happy to answer your questions. Use the online form to submit a question or call us at 856-858-0800.

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