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Decker Exudes Confidence After Vision Therapy

His handwriting was the first thing I saw getting better. He reads with ease now and there is no more frustration with schoolwork.


Dear Dr. Gallaway,

Christmas break has just ended, but over break my son and I practiced throwing and catching his football. He caught the ball EVERY time!!!! It brought tears to my eyes.  He has never been able to play most sports. He has a big interest in football now as he asked for “pigskins” for Christmas!!  He also has a pony and since he started therapy he ca not only “find a distance” to a jump put he won his entire division at a very big horse show.

His handwriting was the first thing I saw getting better. He also used to complain that his eyes hurt and got headaches. He reads with ease now and there is no more frustration with schoolwork. This past marking period he got straight As!!!

photo of Decker with certificate
Decker is so happy to graduate from Dr. Gallaway’s program!

As far as his personality, he exudes confidence!!! I see less and less of him being so hard on himself.  He now tries things that he never would have done before. He has gained more acceptance in school with the boys because he can play sports.  For the most part, he is happy, happy!! I no longer see tears when I pick him up from school.

He was never able to play many sports….now he has gained more acceptance in school with the boys because he can play sports.  Meggin, Decker’s mom

I wish vision therapy was more widely known.  I tell almost everyone I meet. It is a crucial element to providing your child the best possible education. It made my child soar in school. They will be more confident, happier and be able to do more not just in sports but in all facets of their lives. He is a different person! THANK YOU! We are thankful to you, your staff and the educational consultant that referred us.

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