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michael gallaway vision therapy
Dr. Gallaway has been providing vision therapy in South Jersey since 1989.
Convergence insufficiency is the most common eye muscle disorder among children and adults.
There is a great deal of research involving vision therapy, vision and learning, vision and reading, and concussion/brain injury and vision.
Problems with visual processing can impact letter, number and early word recognition, math, handwriting, and the ability to copy and organize written work.
Vision issues can affect a child’s ability to sustain attention during reading and close work.
Vision problems do not cause dyslexia.
What is an Eye Teaming Problem? Eye teaming, or binocular vision, is a visual efficiency skill that allows both eyes to work together in a precise and coordinated way. Good eye teaming allows sustained, single, and comfortable vision, and is the basis for depth perception. We are continuously attempting to aim both eyes at objects […]
A number of visual skills are necessary for children to be effective learners.
Here’s a compilation of resources that we think might be helpful as you learn more about vision therapy.


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