Dr. Gallaway Works With Researchers at Penn in Studies of US Diplomats in Cuba
Study focused on changes in brain function, visual perception and vestibular function of US personnel exposed to unknown sources of pressure, vibration, or sound.
Following reports of acoustic phenomenon that seemed to be causing brain-injury type symptoms in a group of US diplomats, Dr. Michael Gallaway was part of the team along with researchers and clinicians at the University of Pennsylvania that evaluated and treated these individuals. Dr. Gallaway designed a vision testing protocol and provided vision therapy when needed. The project was described in a 2019 study published in JAMA , which was followed by another study documenting neuroimaging changes after these injuries. Dr. Gallaway’s work was acknowledged in both papers, and fortunately many of the individuals involved have recovered.
We’re learning that brain injuries of different kinds often result in vision problems, and that vision therapy can play a big part in the rehabilitation of these injuries. Our office uses all of the most recent diagnostic and treatment protocols with our patients who are experiencing post-concussion vision disorders.